Mirrored Cities | Connecting Tel Aviv and Berlin in times of close distances
by Lila Chitayat, Susa Pop, Anat Safran and Michaela Vieser
How does it feel to travel virtually to a distant city while having your body take you through your local environment?
A sense-based experience of a simultaneous interactive walk through two similar quarters in the cities of Tel Aviv and Berlin.
This virtual journey connects the two cities in times of social distancing, introducing and flipping between sounds, stories, and events from both cities, as they unfold along the route. Mirrored cities enables the wondered to be physically present at one space and time using all senses, while playing with imagination and mental force projected into a remote present.
How does it work: The tour begins at 2 parallel locations,
In Tel Aviv, we start at the corner of Tchernichovsky street and Zalman shneor just across the kindergarden near Gan Meir.
We walk through the Trumpeldor street twards the Trumpeldor Cemetery, then to the Liebling Haus garden, to Bialik Square and Gan Meir Park.
Similarly in Berlin, We start at Sophienstrasse garden continue to the Jewish cemetery, stop at the garden of KW institute for contemporary art, The Hackesche Höfe and end at the Mombijou part near the Spree River.
Lila Chitayat is an architect, designer and artist creating space based experiences for museums and urban spaces, based in Tel Aviv.
Michaela Vieser is a nature writer, radio producer and award winning documentary filmmaker based in Berlin.
Susa Pop is an urban media art curator, director of Public Art Lab Berlin and the Urban Media Art Academy and initiator of the Connecting Cities Network.
Anat Safran is an artistic director, creator and curator based in tel aviv.
This work was produced with the great support of the German Embassy in Tel Aviv and Loving Art Making Art 2020.
The best Editor ever: Yael Bedarshi and thanks for the sound of “Angels Play” by Eli Abramov
We specialy want to thank:
Germany in Israe, Yamato, Richard Siegfried Hayato, Kirsten Praefcke-Meron
Curator Avi Lubin & Loving Art Making Art
Public Art Lab our partner and Liebling Haus center of white city
and to wonderful Charlotte Wettach, Elisabeth Wettach, Baldur Wettach for the piano, beats and one-Wheel-whizzing!!!